3 minute read

This post is satire. It may also not make too much sense.

Today I’ve seen this picture on my LinkedIn wall:


And it triggered me badly. There are people in my network highly sensitive to the divine nature of numbers. As a math enthusiast, I won’t get it.

So, for all the people believing in numerology, let’s find the numbers that carry highly amplified or/and uber-vibrational powers, more than you can imagine.

Keep in mind 37 is super-weak compared to 15873:

The magic of the number 15873

15873 x 7 	= 111111
15873 x 14 	= 222222
15873 x 21 	= 333333
15873 x 28 	= 444444
15873 x 35	= 555555
15873 x 42 	= 666666
15873 x 49	= 777777
15873 x 56	= 888888
15873 x 63	= 999999

(As you can see, 15873 times a multiple of 7, gives a sextuple Rep Digit,
short for Repeating Digit which carry amplified or vibrational powers.

But let me tell you, even 15873 is super-weak compared to other numbers that carry uber-highly-amplified and/or uber-highly-vibrational powers. So let’s write a small python script that can list more vibrational powerful numbers (whatever that is) than 37 and 15873.

from primefac import primefac
from collections import Counter
import sys

def compute_vibrational_num(vp):
    n, res, vp_ret = 1, 0, vp
    while vp != 0: n, vp = 1000 * n + 1, vp - 1
    n *= 111
    primef = Counter(list(primefac(n))).most_common(2)
    primef = primef[1 if primef[1][0] == 7 else 0]
    magic = primef[0] ** primef[1]
    return (magic, int(res), vp_ret)

def print_text(tpl):
    print(f"The magic of the number {tpl[1]}")
    for i in range(1,10):
        print(f"{tpl[1]} x {tpl[0]*i} = {tpl[1] * tpl[0] * i}")
(As you can see, {tpl[1]} times a multiple of {tpl[0]}, gives a {(tpl[2]+1)*3}nthuple Rep Digit,
short for Repeating Digit which carry amplified or vibrational power.

Yes, I know, it looks bad, and you also have to install a pip package called primefac to do the hard work for us. Now, the vp parameter from our function gives us the vibrational power (whatever that is) of the number.

For example, if we call print_text(compute_vibrational_num(0)), we get the results from the picture (that’s boring):

The magic of the number 37
37 x 3 = 111
37 x 6 = 222
37 x 9 = 333
37 x 12 = 444
37 x 15 = 555
37 x 18 = 666
37 x 21 = 777
37 x 24 = 888
37 x 27 = 999

(As you can see, 37 times a multiple of 3, gives a 3nthuple Rep Digit,
short for Repeating Digit which carry amplified or vibrational power.

But if we increase the vibrational power of the number to, let’s say, vp=13, we will get something significantly more powerful:

The magic of the number 2267573696145124716553287981859410430839
2267573696145124716553287981859410430839 x 49 = 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
2267573696145124716553287981859410430839 x 98 = 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
2267573696145124716553287981859410430839 x 147 = 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
2267573696145124716553287981859410430839 x 196 = 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
2267573696145124716553287981859410430839 x 245 = 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
2267573696145124716553287981859410430839 x 294 = 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
2267573696145124716553287981859410430839 x 343 = 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
2267573696145124716553287981859410430839 x 392 = 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
2267573696145124716553287981859410430839 x 441 = 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

(As you can see, 2267573696145124716553287981859410430839 times a multiple of 49, gives a 42nthuple Rep Digit,
short for Repeating Digit which carry amplified or vibrational power.

I wish you to find the most vibrational number your hardware allows to.

Repdigits are natural numbers composed of instances of the same digit. The coolest repdigits are the Mersene primes. They are prime numbers that, when represented in binary, are composed only of 1s.

All in all, let’s get back to our powerful vibrational numbers (whatever that means).

Numbers like 11...1 can sometimes be prime, but if the number of 1 digits is a multiple of 3, we know they aren’t. It’s a simple proof:

\[\underbrace{111...111}_\text{3i digits} = 10^0 + 10^1 + 10^2 + ... + 10^{3i-3} + 10^{3i-2} + 10^{3i-1}\]

If we group the digits 3 by 3, we’ll get the following relationship:s

\[111...111 = \underbrace{(1 + 10 + 100)}_\text{111} + ... + 10^{3i-3}*\underbrace{(1 + 10 + 100)}_\text{111}\]

And then if we use 111 as a common factor we obtain:

\[111...111 = 111 * (1 + ... + 10^{3i-3})\]

But \(111=3 * 37\), so repdigits with the number of digits of \(3\), are always divisible with \(3\) or \(37\). As an interesting observation, they are from time to time divisible with \(7\) (but not always).

This is how our code functions:

  • It generates numbers like 111..111;
  • It gets their prime factors (we know for certain they are not prime);
  • Then it separates the prime factors in a “bigger” highly vibrational number, and keeps a multiple of 3 or 7 as the meme multiplier;

