5 minute read

In the last article I’ve described a recursive version of the Merge Sort Algorithm . Of course every recursive algorithm can be written in an iterative manner.

An alternative implementation is the bottom-up version of the same algorithm (we don’t use recursion for this implementation).

The main idea of the bottom-up merge sort is to sort the array in a sequence of passes .

During each pass the array is divided into smaller sub-arrays of a pseudo-fixed size (step) . Initially step is 1, but the value increases with every pass, as every adjacent sub-arrays are merged, thus step doubles .


  1. We consider an array with size <= 1 sorted;
  2. The array that needs to be sorted is A = { 5, 2, 1, 12, 2, 10, 4, 13, 5}. At this point step=1
  3. At the first iteration, array A is divided into blocks of size step = 1. The resulting blocks (sub-arrays) are {5}, {2}, {1}, {12}, {2}, {10}, {4}, {13}, {5};
  4. step *= 2 -> 1 * 2 = 2: At this point we have a collection of sorted sub-arrays (because their size=1) . We will group the sub-arrays one-by-one, and we will start merging them . After the merge, the resulting sub-arrays are: {2, 5}, {1,12}, {2,10}, {4, 13} and {5}. {5} remains unpaired as the array size is an odd number . We will take care of this block later;
  5. step *= 2 -> 2 * 2 = 4: Now we have a collection of 4 blocks of size two and one block of size one . We will start to merge again the adjacent blocks, so the sub-arrays collection becomes: {1, 2, 5, 12}, {2, 4, 10, 13} and {5};
  6. step *= 2 -> 2 * 4 = 8: Now we have a collection of 2 blocks with size 4 and one block with size 1 . We will merge the adjacent blocks so the sub-arrays collection becomes {1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13} and {5}
  7. We now have two blocks one of size 8 and one of size 1 . We will merge those blocks and obtain the resulting sorted array: {1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 10, 12, 13}.


The pseudo code for the algorithm can be written as follows . We will start by writing the MERGE function .

This is responsible with the merging of two already sorted blocks (sub-arrays) from a given array .

The input parameters for this function are : the array itself, and the interval headers (stop, start) for the two already sorted blocks .

The sentinel is a concept that simplifies the code . In our case we consider SENTINEL is infinity (no value from the array is bigger or equal to the Sentinel).

FUNCTION MERGE(A, startL, stopL, startR, stopR)
    // The leftArray is defined as containing all the elements from
    // startL to stopL of A + a sentinel value 
    LEFTL := [(A[llim]..A[mlim]), SENTINEL]

    // The right array is defined as containing all the elements from
    // startR to stopR A + a sentinel value
    RIGHTL := [(A[mlim], A[rlim]), SENTINEL]

    i := 0
    j := 0
    FOR k:=llim TO rlim DO
        IF LEFTL[i] <= RIGHTL[j] THEN
            A[k] = LEFTL[i]
            i := i + 1
            A[k] = RIGHTL[j]
            j := j + 1

The actual MERGESORT() is:

	IF length < 2 THEN
	step := 1
	WHILE step < length DO
		startL := 0
		startR := step
		WHILE startR + step <= length DO
			MERGE(A, startL, startL + step, startR startR + step)
			startL := startR + step
			startR := startL + step
		IF startR < length THEN
			MERGE(A, startL, startL + step, startR, length)
		step := step * 2


  • A is the unsorted-but-soon-to-be-sorted array;
  • length represents the size of A;
  • step is the current size of the block;
  • startL and startR represent the starting indexes of the sorted blocks that are going to be merged

Java Implementation

public class NonRecursiveMergeSort {

	// Print Array
    public static void printArray(int[] array){
        for(int i : array) {
            System.out.printf("%d ", i);

	// Bottom-up merge sort
	public static void mergeSort(int[] array) {
		if(array.length < 2) {
			// We consider the array already sorted, no change is done
		// The size of the sub-arrays . Constantly changing .
		int step = 1;
		// startL - start index for left sub-array
		// startR - start index for the right sub-array
		int startL, startR;

		while(step < array.length) {
			startL = 0;
			startR = step;
			while(startR + step <= array.length) {
				mergeArrays(array, startL, startL + step, startR, startR + step);
				// System.out.printf("startL=%d, stopL=%d, startR=%d, stopR=%dn",
					// startL, startL + step, startR, startR + step);
				startL = startR + step;
				startR = startL + step;
			// System.out.printf("- - - with step = %dn", step);
			if(startR < array.length) {
				mergeArrays(array, startL, startL + step, startR, array.length);
				// System.out.printf("\* startL=%d, stopL=%d, startR=%d, stopR=%dn",
					// startL, startL + step, startR, array.length);
			step *= 2;

	// Merge to already sorted blocks
	public static void mergeArrays(int[] array, int startL, int stopL,
		int startR, int stopR) {
		// Additional arrays needed for merging
		int[] right = new int[stopR - startR + 1];
		int[] left = new int[stopL - startL + 1];

		// Copy the elements to the additional arrays
		for(int i = 0, k = startR; i < (right.length - 1); ++i, ++k) {
			right[i] = array[k];
		for(int i = 0, k = startL; i < (left.length - 1); ++i, ++k) {
			left[i] = array[k];

		// Adding sentinel values
		right[right.length-1] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		left[left.length-1] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

		// Merging the two sorted arrays into the initial one
		for(int k = startL, m = 0, n = 0; k < stopR; ++k) {
			if(left[m] <= right[n]) {
				array[k] = left[m];
			else {
				array[ks] = right[n];

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Beacuse of the chosen Sentinel the array
		// should contain values smaller than Integer.MAX\_VALUE .
		int[] array = new int[] { 5, 2, 1, 12, 2, 10, 4, 13, 5};

