This place is my garden of curiosities, or a chocolate factory, or artifacts from an alternative Internet that never quite happened.
This section is a work in progress, and if the number of links increases, I will need to find a better solution to manage them.
You can also to discover the most interesting, weird and awesome websites of the Internet.
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Art \& Computers \& Mathematics
- Blogging
- Books
- C Programming
- Command Line
- Esoteric
- Essays
- Funny
- Games
- Low Level
- Math
- Others
- Physics
- Programming Languages \& Compilers
- Tools
- Webrings \& Blogrolls
- Wikipedia \& TIL
Algorithms and Data StructuresPermalink
- A gentle introduction to Algorithm Complexity Analysis
- “A lot of programmers that make some of the coolest and most useful software today, such as many of the stuff we see on the Internet or use daily, don’t have a theoretical computer science background.”
- Algorithms for modern hardware
- This is an upcoming high performance computing book titled “Algorithms for Modern Hardware” by Sergey Slotin.
- Baltic Olympiad Of Informatics
- List of problems.
- Competitive Programmer’s Handbook, Antti Laaksonen
- A classical book to learn algorithms and data structures for competitive programming contests. The code examples are in C++.
- Also on GitHub.
- CSES Problem Set
- A collection of practice problems for Competitive Programming contests.
- D3GT
- D3 Graph Theory
- Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science
- This course is about the rigorous study of computation, which is a fundamental component of our universe, the societies we live in, the new technologies we discover, as well as the minds we use to understand these things.
- A selection of interview leetcode questions + video solutions nicely explained.
- Notes on Data Structures and Programming Techniques, James Aspnes
- A free book. Data Structures and algorithms using the C programming language.
- It should be more popular.
- Notes on randomized algorithms, James Aspnes
- Numbers are leaves
- Skip Lists are fascinating
- Skip lists are a fascinating data structure: very simple, and yet have the same asymptotic efficiency as much more complicated AVL trees and red-black trees.
- The Art and Mathematics of Genji-Kō
- There has never been a group of people, in any time or place, who were so driven to display their sophistication and refinement. It wouldn’t do to merely put out a few sticks of incense; no, you would have to prove that your taste was more exquisite, your judgment more refined, your etiquette more oblique.
- The Diamond-Square Algorithm
- The diamond-square algorithm is a method for generating heightmaps for computer graphics.
- The movie IRIS
- Tries as the evolution of nothing
- “The idea behind the tries evolves from doing nothing with unordered digits to the elaborate data structures that excel in big data storage. “
- SHA256 Explained
- A visual explanation for the SHA256 algorithm.
Art & Computers & MathematicsPermalink
- A stacked clock
- A clock where the hands were connected end-to-tip instead of all being connected to the center of the clock, making a sort of time arm (second hand starting where minute hand ended, etc)
- Ben Kovach
- “With procedural generation, I can save my stylistic choices and re-use them later. I can add a nearly infinite amount of detail to any artwork. I can explore quickly and seamlessly, figuring out which ideas work and which ones don’t in a short period of time. Randomized outputs can be unpredictable, so I’m constantly surprised by even my own work.”
- Bees And Bombs
- Dave Whyte, motion graphic design.
- bleuje’s animations
- Animations since 2017. They look fantastic. Thank you, Etienne Jacob!
- broider
- This a tool for making “9-patch” borders.
- Chris Shier
- Dans Les Nuages
- “I enjoy the possibility of relative anonymity to regain a freedom of experimentation that some closed ecosystems cheerfully took away, by their elitism or traditionalism.”
- e4494s
- “This is where I make art, games, generators, simulations, and other random things to waste time on. Sometimes I make kinda cool stuff.”
- Fluid Simulation
- Fractal Jigsaw Puzzle
- Fractals On Google Earth
- “The following is a “photographic” gallery of fractal patterns found while exploring the planet with Google Earth”
- Finite Curve
- A web app to draw any photo with a single line.
- Field Lines
- Glitch2
- Glitch images in creative ways.
- hexeosis
- “The hexeosis art style is deeply rooted in the principles of geometry, symmetry, and infinity, expressed through mesmerizing animated geometric looping GIFs.”
- Jean-Michel Jarre’s Classic ‘Oxygene 4’ Recreated With 19KB Of Javascript
- While many have attempted over the years to recreate Jean-Michel Jarre‘s classic Oxygène 4 using classic and vintage gear, Dittytoy user srtuss is the first that we’re aware of to do it using mind-bullets, aka 19KB of Javascript code.
- Personal site of Jun Kiyoshi. Computer-generated art.
- Labyrnth
- “I love Mazes and Labyrinths! That includes creating them, solving them, sharing with other enthusiasts, and most everything else. This site is dedicated to Mazes and Labyrinths, and features interactive Maze software, information on the movie “Labyrinth”, galleries of Mazes, pictures of life size Mazes and Labyrinths, and more. Labyrinthink! :-)”
- Labyrinths and Mazes
- Labyrinths and mazes cradle millennia of legend and lore in their twisted articulations and are often considered mankind’s first creation borne purely of human imagination.
- Le Jeune Renard
- “Sean Zellmer is a creative technologist whose goal is for you to discover the complexity of reality. He gives abstract concepts and objects form via technology, opening a window into a different dimension and building a semantic bridge to you.”
- Mandelbox
- Mandelbox in Jelly.
- Mario Carillo
- The generative art of Mario Carillo.
- Motion Cells
- Drawing lines by following a changing vector field.
- Mutable Gallery
- A collection of generative artworks by Heydon Pickering.
- 1d Reversible Automata
- Unicode Maze Generator
- This script will generate mazes in plain unicode text.
- Visualising the beauty of PI
- Looking at the number PI from different angles: PI on a grid, a random walk of PI digits, a circular web-walk of PI, and the probability histogram of PI.
- Virtual Insanity but it’s played on an oscilloscope
- Eventually, I’ve decided to include this in the category of arts.
- Sandspiel
- The Lorentz Attractor
- Not exactly art, but you can consider it so.
- The story about Little Bird
- Crossing the river.
- Travelling Salesman Art
- Bonus: a short tutorial on how to do your own.
- Weavesilk
- Interactive generative art. It has a soothing effect.
- Zoomquilt
- Fractal to infinity.
- Full-text RSS feed is an offline-friendly act
- “An excerpt-only feed is unreadable when there is no Internet access.”
- How Google helped destroy adoption of RSS feeds
- To this day I believe RSS is a lousy technology, but we don’t have anything better.
- Indeed, it seems that Google IS forgetting the old Web
- “I think Google has stopped indexing the older parts of the Web. I think I can prove it. Google’s competition is doing better.”
- Wholesome blogs minus the yucky bits of the modern web
- This Page is Designed to Last (2019)
- “A Manifesto for Preserving Content on the Web”
- Where have all the websites gone?
- “No one clicks a webpage hoping to learn which cat can haz cheeseburger. Weirdos, maybe.”
- Awesome Math
- Biblioteca Digitala
- Biblioteca Digitală a Publicațiilor Culturale (Romanian source)
- Donald Knuth Non-Tech Reading List
- “Of course I like to read nontechnical books, although I read very slowly.”
- Free Tech Books
- A collection of free technical books under free licenses.
- LibriVox
- Free public domain audiobooks
- Project Gutenberg
- You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for you to enjoy.
- Sacred Texts
- The largest, freely available collection of books about religion, spirituality, and folklore.
- Sefaria
- A living library of Jewish Texts
- Standard EBooks
- Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover.
- Software Foundations
- The Software Foundations series is a broad introduction to the mathematical underpinnings of reliable software.
- The Journal of Open Source Software
- Committed to publishing quality research software with zero article processing charges or subscription fees.
- The Diary of Thomas Alva Edison
- The manuscripts of Edsger W. Dijkstra
- The Universal Digital Library
- This library promises 1 million free books, but I haven’t counted them.
- What Should I read next?
- Enter a book you like and the site will analyse our huge database of real readers’ favorite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next.
C ProgrammingPermalink
- Beej’s Guide
- Quality C tutorials, i would defintely check: Beej’s Guide to Network Programming, Beej’s Guide to C Programming, and Beej’s Quick Guide to GDB.
- Blinky Pointer
- This is how students were learning about
- This is how students were learning about
- Build your own LISP
- Learn C by building your own LISP.
- C Puzzles
- How I program C
- A great video by Eskil Steenberg about programming in C.
- Cosmopolitan C
- Cosmopolitan Libc makes C a build-anywhere run-anywhere language, like Java, except it doesn’t need an interpreter or virtual machine.
- Obfuscated Tiny C Compiler
- “My goal was to write the smallest C compiler which is able to compile itself.”
- So you think you know C? (Test)
- A lot of programmers claim they know C. Well, it has the most famous syntax, it has been there for 52 years, and it’s not cluttered with obscure features. It’s easy!
- So you think you know C? (Ebook)
- …And Ten More Short Essays on Programming Languages
- strcmp4humans
- The Althttpd Webserver
- Althttpd is a simple webserver that has run the website since 2004. Althttpd strives for simplicity, security, and low resource usage.
- The biggest shell programs in the world
- The C Donuts:
- The fastest Mutex
- The International Obfuscated C Code Contest
- Making history by writing unreadable C code.
- The
tic-tac-toe- A c implementation of tic-tac-toe in a single call to printf. Written for IOCCC 2020.
- The lost art of structure packing
- Nice technical essay by Eric S. Raymond.
- The Underhanded C Contest
- The Underhanded C Contest is an annual contest to write innocent-looking C code implementing malicious behavior.
- Write a shell in C
- Writing a very simple JIT Compiler in about 1000 lines of C
- Why should I have written ZeroMQ in C, not C++
- “Just to be clear from the very beginning: This is not going to be a Torvalds-ish rant against C++ from the point of view of die-hard C programmer.”
- Why people were enthused about gcc early on in its life?
- “What they didn’t have was a good compiler.”
Command LinePermalink
- explain shell
- Write down a command-line to see the help text that matches each argument.
- lsix
- Like
, but for images. Shows thumbnails in terminal using sixel graphics.
- Like
- Sculpting text with regex, grep, sed, awk, emacs and vim
- thirsty
- “If you’re like me and you spend a lot of time programming with the command line open, chances are that you forget about everything for hours, which includes drinking water. At the end of the day I used to realise that I had not consumed enough water. Hence I created a bash/zsh script to remind me to drink water right on my command line.”
- Droste’s Lair Post
- esolangs
- This wiki is dedicated to the fostering and documentation of programming languages designed to be unique, difficult to program in, or just plain weird.
- How to write a self-printing program
- “A self-printing program – also called a quine – is a program that prints out its own source code.”
- Quine Relay
- QR.rb is a Ruby program that generates a Rust program that generates a Scala program that generates …(through 128 languages in total)… a REXX program that generates the original Ruby code again.
- Hull: An alternative to shell that I’ll never have time to implement
- “Here’s an idea. It’s kind of crazy but it’s also fun to think about.”
- KlongPy
- Learn Prolog Now!
- “We wanted to do two things with this course. First, we wanted to provide a text that was relatively self contained, a text that would permit someone with little or no knowledge of computing to pick up the basics of Prolog with the minimum of fuss. We also wanted the text to be clear enough to make it useful for self study. We believe that if you read the text, and do the associated exercises, you will gain a useful partial entry to the world of Prolog.”
- Self-printing Game of Life in C#
- “I wrote a little C# program that contains a Game-of-Life grid. The program advances the game grid to the next generation and prints out a copy of itself, with the grid updated. You can take the output, compile it with a C# compiler, run it, and you’ll get the next generation of the game. You can iterate the process, or change the initial grid state manually.”
- TIO is a family of online interpreters for an evergrowing list of practical and recreational programming languages. It knows how to run a few of the most popular esoteric programming languages.
- tryapl
- APL is an array-oriented programming language that will change the way you think about problems and data.
- uiua
- Uiua lets you write code that is as short as possible while remaining readable, so you can focus on problems rather than ceremony.
- A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto
- Privacy is necessary for an open society in the electronic age. Privacy is not secrecy. A private matter is something one doesn’t want the whole world to know, but a secret matter is something one doesn’t want anybody to know. Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world.
- Algorithms interviews: theory vs. practice
- “When I ask people at trendy big tech companies why algorithms quizzes are mandatory, the most common answer I get is something like “we have so much scale, we can’t afford to have someone accidentally write an O(n^2) algorithm and bring the site down.”
- Either your estimates suck or your job does
- “Luckily, most estimates never come true, and I have a dozen polynomial models to show you why.”
- Employee Ownership
- Central States Manufacturing as a model for exiting to employee-ownership
- Glory is only 11MB/s away
- “One thing is certain in life: if you’re getting something for a steal, someone is getting screwed, and it’s probably you elsewhere.”
- Greppability Code Metric
- Hacker’s Manifesto
- Learning to program is getting harder (2018)
- “The fundamental problem is that the barrier between using a computer and programming a computer is getting higher.”
- Rules for writing Software Turorials
- Not a supplier (2022)
- “Until then, I am not your supplier. So all your Software Supply Chain ideas? You are not buying from a supplier, you are a raccoon digging through dumpsters for free code. So I would advise you to put these rules in the same dumpster. And remember. I am not a supplier. Because THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS””.
- Software Development 450 Words Per Minute
- “I’m also blind. In this blog post I’m going to shed some light on the way I work.”
- Things I wish I learned in Engineering School (2000)
- The Collector’s Fallacy
- “Collectors don’t make progress”
- The computer built to last 50 years (2021)
- “How to create the long-lasting computer that will save your attention, your wallet, your creativity, your soul, and the planet.”
- The bullshit web (2018)
- “I wanted to bring many threads together into a single document that may pretentiously be described as a theory of or, more practically, a guide to the bullshit web.”
- The humble programmer
- Dijkstra’s overview of the programming universe as he saw it in 1972
- The night watch
- There are 665 open licences, most are pretty rubbish
- This word doesn’t exist
- But it should.
- VPN - a Very Precarious Narrative
- “In most circumstances, VPNs do very little to enhance your data security or privacy unless paired with other changes.”
- Why Bloat Is Still Software’s Biggest Vulnerability
- Why Everything is Becoming a Game
- “For years, some of the world’s sharpest minds have been quietly turning your life into a series of games. Not merely to amuse you, but because they realized that the easiest way to make you do what they want is to make it fun.”
- Can you tell an assembly language when you see one?
- “In fact, I’m not even sure that anyone can easily tell assembly code from some high-level code without googling. Can you?”
- Complaints Medieval Monks Scribbled in the Margins of Illuminated Manuscripts
- Connnnngratulations! This project won China 2014 State Science and Technology Prizes ! FIRST PRIZE!!!!!
- One man’s constant is another man’s variable.
- How To Write Unmaintainable Code
- Ensure a job for life.
- Make Front-End Shit Again
- Multiple sites of pixel proportions.
- Medieval Cat Meme Generator
- King DerpCats most wondrous meme gen’rat’r.
- MIT graduates cannot power a light bulb with a battery
- Movie-a-Minute
- There’s a lot of movies out there and very little time to watch them in.
- Our security auditor is an idiot. How do I give him the information he wants?
- Rediscovery of Calculus
- The brick bible
- The Scriptures in LEGO from Genesis to Revelation.
- The parable of the Physics Professor
- The surreal experience of my first developer job
- Indeed surreal.
- A dark room
- One interesting text-adventure game
- A slower speed of light
- A Slower Speed of Light is a first-person game prototype in which players navigate a 3D space while picking up orbs that reduce the speed of light in increments.
- Assembly Arena
- Assembly Arena is a programming game where participants create small assembly programs, to compete for control of a virtual computer’s memory.
- Bonsai Builder
- “To grow a bonsai is to cultivate the essence of a tree in miniature. Take your time and enjoy the calming atmosphere. Explore the possibilities and share what you find with the community.”
- Can’t Unsee
- Select the design that “is the most correct”.
- Collosal Cave Adventure Page
- You can play the game here
- The user would thus be a part of an ongoing story in a fantasy setting — in this case, an exploration of Colossal Cave in Kentucky. But this Colossal Cave, though remarkably similar to its real-life counterpart, was also very different: Magic was afoot in the cave…
- Cube Composer
- Solve puzzles by thinking like a “Functional Programmer”
- DOS Games
- 21st century DOS games.
- Dune 2 (Web Version)
- The first RTS game I’ve played, now on WEB.
- Fantasy Map Generator
- Can be helpful if you are the Dungeon Master.
- Flexbox Adventure
- Learn CSS by playing the Flexbox Adventure.
- Open Source Games
- This is a list of different open-source video games and commercial video games open-source remakes.
- ORB Farm
- This is your personal aquatic ecosystem to nurture, sculpt, and observe.
- paku paku
- 1-D pacman.
- puzzle script
- PuzzleScript is an open-source HTML5 puzzle game engine.
- Quantum Soccer
- In the game of Quantum Soccer, the aim is to shape the wave function of a quantum-mechanical “ball” so that the probability of it being inside one of the goals rises above a set threshold.
- Fantasy Map of GitHub
- An online museum of old video games.
- Retromags
- This site is set up to digitally preserve video game magazines from 10 years ago and earlier.
- Rogue
- This is the original game, not a rogue-like.
- Sandtris
- A tetris game that plays with sand.
- Snake Google Maps
- Play snake on “Google Maps”.
- Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection
- Introduction This page contains a collection of small computer programs which implement one-player puzzle games.
- Synesthesia
- Very creative.
- TIC-80
- TIC-80 is a free and open source fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.
- The noise control game
- You need to cancel the noise.
- The sinusoidal tetris
- Let’s play Tetris but with a twist: you control a Sinusoid.
- The SQL Murder Mystery
- “There’s been a Murder in SQL City! The SQL Murder Mystery is designed to be both a self-directed lesson to learn SQL concepts and commands and a fun game for experienced SQL users to solve an intriguing crime.”
- The Universe is Dark
- You are a ball in dark space. Can you light up the universe?
- Truncate
- A words strategy game
- Zork
- “Welcome to ZORK.”
Low LevelPermalink
- An IRC client in your motherboard
- “I made a graphical IRC client that runs in UEFI.”
- Building an operating system for Raspberry PI
- Run operating systems in your browser.
- GNU Poke
- GNU poke is an interactive, extensible editor for binary data.
- Hello world!
- “A deep dive into the world of abstraction behind a modern Hello World program.”
- How wine works (2022)
- “This article greatly simplifies reality and I don’t claim to know all the details. However I hope the explanation here will give you a general understanding of how things like Wine work.”
- JSLinux
- Run Linux or other Operating Systems in your browser!
- Ray Tracing In Notepad.exe At 30 FPS
- “I ended up making a Snake game and a small ray tracer that use stock Notepad for all input and rendering tasks, and got to learn about DLL Injection, API Hooking and Memory Scanning along the way.”
- Temple OS
- God’s operating system.
- There’s more to mathematics than rigour and proofs
- Weird things I learned while writing an x86 emulator
- Useless x86 trivia.
- Why computers represent signed integers using two’s complement
- “If you had to come up with a way to represent signed integers in 32-bits, how would you do it?”
- A journey and a method for drawing spheres
- I am not a big fan of medium articles, but this one is good.
- A truly incredible fact about the number 37
- “37, the median value for the second prime factor of an integer; thus the probability that the second prime factor of an integer chosen at random is smaller than 37 is approximately 0.5”
- All in one math sheet
- This is a math cheat sheet that I found a while back.
- Basics of Olympiad Inequalities
- Calculus Made Easy, Silvanus P. Thompson
- Circles, Sines, and Signals
- This text is designed to accompany your study of introductory digital signal processing.
- Concursuri de Matematica
- Exercises from various Romanian Math contests. Resources are in Romanian.
- Does anybody knows this fractal
- “Experimenting with the “divisibility” of complex numbers, I stumbled across this thingy. It looks like a fractal. Although the formula does not do any iterations.”
- Erdos Problems
- There are 614 problems in the database of which 168 have been solved.
- Euler Archive
- The Euler Archive is an online resource for Leonhard Euler’s original works and modern Euler scholarship.
- Explained Visually
- Explained Visually (EV) is an experiment in making hard ideas intuitive inspired the work of Bret Victor’s.
- Functional Geometry
- Functional Geometry is a paper by Peter Henderson (original (1982), revisited (2002)) which deconstructs the MC Escher woodcut Square Limit
- Gift Exchange Archive
- Recreational mathematics and puzzles.
- How do calculators compute sine
- You would be surprised.
- How efficient is Morse Code
- Spoiler alert: not so efficient.
- How to fold a Julia Fractal
- “Everything in mathematics is a choice.”
- Immersive Math
- The world’s first linear algebra book with fully interactive figures.
- Intuitive Understanding Of Euler’s Formula
- Is two to the power of infinity more than infinity?
- It depends?!
- Math Pages
- A compendium of mathematics.
- M.C. Escher: More Mathematics Than Meets the Eye (2002)
- “As a teenager, number theorist Hendrik Lenstra was fascinated by the mathematical themes of M.C. Escher’s artwork.”
- Napoleon’s Theorem
- “We expect all things from you, General, except a lesson in geometry. Laplace”
- Neural network training makes beautiful fractals
- Painting with Math
- A Gentle Study of Raymarching.
- Puzzles
- Free, fun, and meaningful math for all.
- Seeing Theory
- A visual introduction to probability and statistics
- Sine and cosine
- “For every pair, I think I know what the words mean from school but I can’t always tell one from another. I can always tell sine from cosine but I didn’t learn them at school. My father taught me.”
- What is the inverse …
- Stacking triangles for fun and for profit
- “We’ve shown that all of usual definitions of sine and cosine can be derived from the geometric definition, and that this can be made elementary if we start by proving the angle addition formulas using geometric arguments.”
- The arithmetic derivative
- Can you differentiate a number and get a nonzero answer? You can’t with the usual kind of differentiation, but you can with the “arithmetic derivative”.
- The fourth operation
- “Those are the first, second, and third operations: addition, multiplication, and exponentiation. Presented in this manner a prolonged series of operations comes to mind, each operation iterating the one before. The fourth operation would be?”
- The Lazy Way to Solve Differential Equations
- The magic 6174
- The Kaprekar routine.
- Ancient Greek
- Information about the language and culture of the people of Ancient Greece
- Atlas Obscura
- Atlas Obscura is a magazine about curious and wondrous travel destinations.
- ASK HN: Is there a point in school (2010)
- “Even if you think the university will teach you nothing, you’ve got a one-time offer from society that we’re going to subsidize anything you do for the next four years and not have any expectation that you’ll work for a living during that time. This offer is essentially only good once. Take it!”
- ASK HN: You have one shot to redesign the Internet – what do you change?
- Honestly, just one thing, and I only need to go back to the early 90s.
- Balacing Cube
- Dear Photograph
- “The idea is simple: hold up a photograph from the past in front of the place where it was originally taken, take a second photograph, and add a sentence of dedication about what the photograph means to you. The results, however, are astounding, which is why millions have flocked to and thousands have submitted their own Dear Photographs.”
- Grandpa’s Photos
- “This is Grandpa, otherwise known as Stephen Clarke. He was great at so many things. One of those was being a Grandpa. He was a WWII Air Force navigator, a husband, a Dad and we also discovered he was a great photographer.”
- How games are used to control you
- Victorian Research
- The aim of the Victoria Research Web is to assist scholars, at whatever stage of their studies, in making their way through the complex and ever-changing landscape of research resources pertinent to the long nineteenth century.
- Wiby
- A search engine targeting the “old web”. Click on surprise me to get surprised.
- Reflections On Relativity, Kevin Brown
- “We ordinarily take for granted the existence through time of objects moving according to fixed laws in three-dimensional space, but this is a highly abstract model of the objective world, far removed from the raw sense impressions that comprise our actual experience.”
- So You Want to Learn Physics…
- “Nearly six years ago, I sat down at my desk and typed up a detailed guide for anyone who wanted to learn physics on their own.”
Programming Languages & CompilersPermalink
- MAL - Make a Lisp
- Make a Lisp is almost 100 programming languages.
- Common Misconceptions about Compilers
- Programming languages & resources
- This page is a collection of my favorite resources for people getting started writing programming languages.
- Very early C compilers and language
- carbon
- Create and share beautiful images of your source code.
- dittytoy
- Create your generative music online using a simple Javascript API.
- ImHex
- A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
- Markdown TOC generator
- As the title suggests.
- meli
- BSD/Linux/macos terminal email client with support for multiple accounts and Maildir / mbox / notmuch / IMAP / JMAP / NNTP (Usenet).
- numcalc
- Scientific Java Script calculator.
- Paper HN
- Read hacker news as an old paper.
- Random HackerNews
- Redirecting to a random date’s front page.
Webrings & BlogrollsPermalink
- 512kb Club
- The 512KB Club is a collection of performance-focused web pages from across the Internet.
- To be eligible for a listing in this directory, a website must have a curated collection of bookmarks and/or links to other websites. I did my part.
- Blogroll
- You are viewing a humanly curated list of fine personal & independent blogs that are updated regularly. No algorithms ever!
- Curated list of personal blogs on any topic.
- hn blogroll
- Personal blogs of hn users.
- Pointless Sites
- We aim to list only pointless and useless sites that are completely pointless, don’t have pop ads, are original, are useless, are not offensive and make you smile - family friendly fun.
- This webring is an attempt to inspire artists & developers to build their websites and share traffic amongst each other. The ring welcomes hand-crafted wikis and portfolios.
- Wiby
- A search engine for the classic web.
Wikipedia & TILPermalink
- 1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm incident
- Thank you, Mr. Petrov!
- Ant-Fungus Mutualism
- The ant–fungus mutualism is a symbiosis seen between certain ant and fungal species, in which ants actively cultivate fungus much like humans farm crops as a food source.
- Autistic Assistant of Gauss used to check Primality
- Darwin (Programming Language)
- Darwin was a programming game invented in August 1961 by Victor A. Vyssotsky, Robert Morris Sr., and M. Douglas McIlroy.
- Effective Altruism
- “Effective altruism (EA) is a 21st-century philosophical and social movement that advocates “using evidence and reason to figure out how to benefit others as much as possible, and taking action on that basis””.
- Intransitive Dice
- List of People claimed to be Jesus
- McNamara Fallacy
- “The McNamara fallacy is often considered in the context of the Vietnam War, in which enemy body counts were taken to be a precise and objective measure of success.”
- Non-integer base of numeration
- Probability theory paradoxes
- PSR J1748−2446ad
- PSR J1748−2446ad is the fastest-spinning pulsar known, at 716 Hz (times per second)
- Rule 101
- Sprouts
- The Boltzmann Brain
- The Inventor of the Black Box Was Told to Drop the Idea and “Get On With Blowing Up Fuel Tanks
- Fortunately, David Warren kept working on his crash-proof flight data recorder
- What is the history of the use of “foo” and “bar” in source code examples?
- Why is the mouse cursor slightly tilted and not straight?
- Wow! Signal